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Writing analysis tool: Schreibmotorik KompetenzSpinne©

The Schreibmotorik KompetenzSpinne© (i.e. Schreibmotorik Writing Skills Spider Web) is a new, scientifically substantiated diagnostic and observation instrument for determining basic graphomotor skills in children between the ages of four and seven. It takes into consideration the main graphomotor, didactic and ergonomic areas of handwriting acquisition.

Read more: Writing analysis tool: Schreibmotorik KompetenzSpinne© (i.e. Schreibmotorik Writing Skills Spider...

Writing analysis tool: WritingCoach®

The WritingCoach® is a unique analysis software which records a writer’s individual motion sequence. An individual report is generated based on the results of just five minutes of test measurements. The writer’s performance is analysed on the basis of writing frequency, writing flow, writing pressure and basic hand and finger writing movements. Each subject gets to know to which one of the five characteristic writing types he or she belongs and receives specific advice and exercises.

Read more: Writing analysis tool: WritingCoach®

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