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Why is kissing good for you?

Have you ever thought about the importance of kissing in a relationship? If not, take two minutes to read the following.

Why is kissing good for you?

According to scientists, kissing can boost the immune system and reduce stress. According to findings by US researchers, the body produces chemicals (neuropeptides) that activate the so-called ‘killer cells’ while kissing. These chemicals attack harmful bacteria or viruses and destroy them. Doctors warn that dangerous viruses can be transmitted by kissing, so it’s a good thing that the number one benefit is boosting the immune system.

How does a kiss connect two people?

Kissing can not only connect two people, but also divide them. Those couples who no longer kiss, start to lose a very important connection. With daily, and especially, intimate kissing, couples can strengthen their bond. This is done on an emotional level and, thanks to hormones and messenger substances that are absorbed through the nose and mouth, biologically.

Here you can find some interesting information about kissing from a German newspaper report. Maybe you think that kissing isn’t so important, but as Christians we should show our love to our partner and know the benefits.

May God bless your relationship with your partner!

Your Christian Pälchen

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