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Diapering is one, among many, challenges that parents face.

On one side of this challenge, you are faced with the question: What is the best for our child? Should our daughter/son wear washable, organic diapers or not? What are the benefits of reusable diapers compared to disposable diapers? What are the costs? Are disposable diapers really more expensive? Which brand is the best in the market? How much time will I spend washing natural diapers? What is the monetary value of that time? Are they really better for the environment? And so on…

Today, we would like to introduce you to a great article about this topic and an overview of the best diapers in the market. You will also be provided with tips on how to potty-train your child, tests about almost all diaper-relevant products, like the best baby-wipes or the best diaper bags for moms and dads. We hope that this useful site helps you with some of these decisions.

All the best with your journey,

Christian Pälchen.


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