$id = '174'
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'title' => 'Become a Man, My Son!',
'desc' => '<ul>
<li>Any man worth his salt wants his son to grow up to be a real, godly man. But only the few achieve that. Why?</li>
<li><strong>By </strong><a href="https://pcg.church/authors/ron-fraser"><strong>Ron Fraser</strong></a><strong>Feb. 21, 2018</strong></li>
<li>Growing up in the immediate post-war years had its advantage in that society was generally not confused over gender roles. Men were to be masculine and women to be feminine. That was generally unquestioned in Anglo-Saxon society in the 1940s and 50s. As a consequence, men and women generally reflected the time-worn attributes of their sex by the way they spoke, dressed and comported themselves socially.</li>
<li>At the schools I attended in the ’40s and 50s, no one was labeled as being a “queer,” nor did I not know of any of my fellow students having parents affected by divorce.</li>
<li>How times have changed.</li>
<li>By the time my eldest son went to high school in the ’70s, half of the youth in his class came from families where divorce had dislocated the family structure. It took just one generation to achieve that infamy in Anglo-Saxon society.</li>
<li>Another generation later, the principal of one of Australia’s most prestigious schools was forced to permit a student to attend the annual prom with his male “date.”</li>
<li>We are witness today to a great confusion which has set in with respect to the meaning of marriage and family and the definitions of traditional gender roles in society at large.</li>
<li>The result is that few truly know what it means to be a <em>real</em>man or to be a <em>real</em> woman as God designed and intended us to be. The fallout has drastically affected the ability of men in society to To <em>lead effectively</em> in any institution, be it marriage, family, a corporate situation, a military role or any responsible function in society at large.</li>
<li>Indeed, the reality is that we are today living out the legacy of this mass confusion of God-given roles in fulfillment of the prophecy contained in Isaiah 3:2-3.</li>
<li>Note that God prophesies that it will be the traditional male roles that will disappear in our day.</li>
<li>But we, in the Church, are called into God’s Family to recapture true values—to be educated in all things restored to the Church through a latter day, 20th century Elijah (Matthew 17:10-11), revived through a latter day prophet and apostle in this 21st century.</li>
<li>So it is that we shall look closely throughout the remainder of this article at the God-given role of the male—how to <em>recapture</em>it, <em>reinforce</em> it and <em>perpetuate</em> it, generation to generation.</li>
<h2>· Cause and Effect</h2>
<li>How did the denigration of masculinity start?</li>
<li>We live today in a greatly feminized society.</li>
<li>It really started in Anglo-Saxon society with what Gertrude Himmelfarb calls in her masterful treatise “The De-moralization of Society” the “new” men and “women” of the 1880s and 1890s.</li>
<li>As in the Garden of Eden with the first attempt at “liberalizing” woman, the move to change God-given gender roles started with a certain kind of woman which Himmelfarb describes as wanting “more by way of liberation than bicycling, smoking, or reading risqué books—who sought nothing less than sexual liberation.”</li>
<li>Since those early women’s lib proponents of the latter 19th and early 20th century, the feminist lobby has steadily pushed and prodded its way into the traditional male realms of yesteryear, invading and in some cases even coming to dominate them.</li>
<li>This is the age of women—whom God made, deliberately, the physically weaker sex—competing with men, and to their shame, at times beating them even in traditional male physical activities.</li>
<li>The recruitment of women into our armed forces in combat roles is, perhaps, not only the worst case scenario in this respect, but also the very worst of examples to our young men and women in terms of gender role destruction.</li>
<li>Common sense should tell us that the normal physical structure of the male body as God designed it casts him naturally in the role of physical protector of the woman, who is naturally created without the muscle mass that is distributed over a male frame. So what does the perversity of feminism do to counter this natural phenomenon?</li>
<li>It encourages women to go off to the gym in an effort to develop manly abs and biceps.</li>
<li>In a better age, women’s sport was quite different to that of the man.</li>
<li>Today the women want to play to men’s rules. Not only that, they want to play <em>like</em>the men!</li>
<li>In the most extreme cases, such women even change their natural affection for a perversion of their sexual role (Romans 1:22-26).</li>
<li>In the corporate world, women have “muscled” their way into the boardroom and in many cases have taken over the traditional male role of ceo.</li>
<li>A book I have on my shelf espousing effective corporate management techniques, written by a male theorist, even substitutes “she” and “her” for the traditional male form of addressing a theoretical corporate leader.</li>
<li>All of these trends have led to the increasing isolation of real, strong, masculine leadership in our society as a blanket of feminization has descended over it.</li>
<li>Why has this happened?</li>
<li>Armstrong told us why. He said repeatedly that when the male fails to lead, the woman will seek to take over. As already intimated, it’s as old as the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.</li>
<li>It’s high time that men recaptured their true, God-designed role—and taught their sons their true role!</li>
<h2>· Home Presence and Physical Activity</h2>
<li>By the very nature of things in our society, it is the woman who spends most of the day with an infant son.</li>
<li>In a normal situation today, Dad is off most of the time the sun is out, working at his job to support the family. He has but a brief window of time each weekday evening to spend with the children before their bedtime.</li>
<li>There are two vital activities in which Dad ought to be involved with the family in this brief slice of time—being at the head of the table to command the evening meal time conversation, and taking the opportunity after the meal, before bedtime, to fulfill his role as teacher of the children.</li>
<li>Here is Dad’s opportunity to become the children’s hero, as he tells of lessons learned through his own boyhood exploits, reads to them of the achievements of bygone heroes—not the least those heroes of the Bible—and comports himself as leader of the family. It is also a time to demonstrate the tenderness and warmth of his relationship as leader and protector of the mother, his wife, by the manner in which he relates to her in front of the children.</li>
<li>Sons need to see and have a right pride in the strength and accomplishments of their dad. He ought to become their hero. It is the manly example of a manly father that is the greatest attribute he possesses in teaching his son to grow up to be a man in the truest sense of the word.</li>
<li>Here, sport can be a great opportunity to not only exhibit Dad’s own manly strengths but to teach them to his son.</li>
<li>Be it a backyard game of “footy,” or cricket as it was in my days Down Under, or manning the basketball hoop, or hitting a baseball in the park with dad in America, or perhaps kicking that round ball about in father-and-son soccer matches in other lands—taking the time to teach a sporting approach to the game as well as teaching basic skills are moments a son will never forget. Those opportunities build the male bonds of father-son companionship that can last a lifetime.</li>
<li>One of the great challenges to today’s fathers is to powerfully resist the overwhelming tendency of society at large to become fixated on a video or computer screen for great portions of the day.</li>
<li>Developing a love of the outdoors, of outdoor activities in the fresh air and sunshine, is not only healthy, but, if exposed to such situations often from infancy, the joy that a son may gain from such exposure will serve well to counter the barrage of confusion and self-centeredness with which social media will seek to attack him from the cradle and beyond.</li>
<li>The worst example that a father can demonstrate to a son is to live as a couch potato, fixated by the diversion from reality offered by images conveyed by tvand the plethora of electronic devices available today.</li>
<li>Image says a lot to a child, especially a youth in their teens.</li>
<li>To have a dad that is a waddling blob of inertia will probably engender a son in the same image. To have a dad who is fit, athletic and muscle-toned will, no doubt, produce a son in the same image—<em>IF</em>Dad spends the time to help his son develop such a manly frame!</li>
<li>There are three main aspects of a developing child’s life upon which Dad will have powerful impact.</li>
<li>There’s the physical, which we have touched on here, and there are two other vital areas in which a father should take the lead in training up a son in the way he should go—the <em>intellectual,</em>and even more importantly, the <em>spiritual!</em></li>
<h2>· Two Vital Areas</h2>
<li>In respect of the <em>intellectual</em>development of young men, we have to realize the power of the aggressive war that is taking place in our school systems for possession of the minds of our children and youth.</li>
<li>As one observer of one of America’s top colleges put it, the curriculum included “the whole rancid agenda of political correctness with its intolerance, florid public obsession of sex, and pagan worship at the altar of environmentalism” (<em>The New Criterion,</em>June 2013).</li>
<li>Add to this degrading of our education curricula two other phenomena—the move to education by electronic media and the pressure to become absorbed in efforts at “self-fulfillment”—and you have a recipe for reducing the intellectual capacity of each subsequent generation caught up in this trend.</li>
<li>Stephen Bertman in his book, <em>Cultural Amnesia,</em>observes of this trend, “the exhilaration of technological speed and its efficacy lead people to value speed more than ever before, diminishing in their eyes the worth of activities that take time, including the time-consuming activity of learning.”</li>
<li>The knowledge of what once demonstrated just what it was that set the real men apart from the boys is thus greatly diminished, for as Bertman muses, “Because computers are mostly adept at serving up the new, they will serve up the present at the expense of the past. … Computers can give us information …. What they cannot give us is a reason to value that past. … What they cannot give us is judgment or goodness.”</li>
<li>One of the most manly examples in God’s Word is that of King David. Constantly, in psalm after psalm, this mighty, manly warrior-king of Israel asked God to give him judgment and goodness. Those aspects of character are really what marks out the real man and separates him from the mass of humanity as a true leader.</li>
<li>In his book <em>The Missing Dimension in Sex,</em> Armstrong states, “Humans are endowed with minds. Humans were placed on Earth for the express purpseof developing godlike character—learning to make <em>right decisions,</em>with prayerful guidance from God and His Word, and to exercise the self-direction to rightly act on those decisions.”</li>
<li>Before the denigration of real manhood in our society, there was a category of man called “gentlemen.”</li>
<li>Gertrude Himmelfarb states that this was traditionally “a distinction of character rather than of class.” Thus, be he laborer, tradesman, businessman or lord, it was possible by his general behavior that any man could be classed as a true “gentleman.”</li>
<li>Within that greatly derided era which today’s liberal socialists and revisionists are so prone to mock—the Victorian era—as the French philosopher Hyppolite Taine observed—a real “gentleman” was “a truly noble man, a man worthy to command, a disinterested man of integrity, capable of exposing, even sacrificing himself for those he leads.”</li>
<li>Thus it is that we have to turn to Jesus Christ, who gave His life for all humankind, that they may gain inheritance with Him, as the very epitome in His human existence of true, godly manhood.</li>
<li>With the teachings of mankind’s Savior being expunged from our education curricula, we have lost the truest example of manhood that we can ever teach our sons. Such a phenomena in today’s society means that we are even more strongly bound to teach and exemplify that example in our homes.</li>
<li>This leads us to the third vital element in training up a son to be a real man—his <em>spiritual</em></li>
<h2>· The Missing Dimension</h2>
<li>As Mr. Armstrong taught throughout his long ministry, there is a missing dimension in man. He often said that man is only “half there.”</li>
<li>In his book <em>The Missing Dimension in Sex,</em> Armstrong states that God’s “purpose is the reproduction of <em>His own kind</em>—holy, righteous and perfect character in the divine Familyof the <em>ever-living</em> God! Humans, physically begotten and born through sex, may be spiritually begotten and divinely born of God—entering the eternally living God Family!”</li>
<li>This is what Mr. Armstrong called the “missing dimension in knowledge.”</li>
<li>This is, thus, the great missing dimension in educating our sons in today’s society about how to find their <em>true</em>role <em>today,</em> that they may gain their <em>ultimate</em> role in the wonderful World Tomorrow—the coming millennial rule of this planet by Jesus Christ and the saints resurrected to glory to rule with Him.</li>
<li>As we have observed, Jesus Christ was the very epitome of the God-given masculine role during His life in the flesh. It behooves every father and mother to teach that great reality to their sons!</li>
<li>This world sadly lacks such examples of true Christ-like manliness. It is a world literally crying out for manly leadership!</li>
<li>How often, as we observe the dominance of women in society do we ask, “Where are the men in Israel?”</li>
<li>It is a fact that even in God’s Church, we too often see women dominating their men in marriage and family situations. Down through the ages the ways of society have had an insidious way of working their way into God’s Church. Witness the decade of liberalism which impacted the Church in the 1970s, something from which it never did fully recover—witness, in turn, the speed of the great falling away following Mr. Armstrong’s death (2 Thessalonians 2:3).</li>
<li>God commanded the parents to teach His law and statutes to their children and to make them a talking point in the home, especially at morning and evening (Deuteronomy 6:7). The morning breakfast conversation sets the tone for the day. The evening conversation at the dinner table and at bedtime can be a reflection on the day’s events. These are great opportunities to embed true, Christ-like, manly thoughts in a young son’s mind, taking full advantage of these moments to paint a vision in your son’s mind as to his eternal future.</li>
<li>These are the moments that will build true father-son bonds that will encourage your son to seek counsel from you when he meets the challenges of youth and young manhood in particular, the time when he has “put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11).</li>
<li>This planet needs as many godly men as God’s Church can produce.</li>
<li>The Church needs them.</li>
<li>It is incumbent on every parent of every lad in the Church to work hard to inculcate the true essence of godly manhood in their male offspring, thus enhancing the prospect of his manifesting that missing dimension in his life when God leads him by His goodness to repentance and real conversion to His way of life on the road to fulfilling his incredible human potential!</li>
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Growing up in the immediate post-war years had its advantage in that society was generally not confused over gender roles. Men were to be masculine and women to be feminine. That was generally unquestioned in Anglo-Saxon society in the 1940s and 50s. As a consequence, men and women generally reflected the time-worn attributes of their sex by the way they spoke, dressed and comported themselves socially.
At the schools I attended in the ’40s and 50s, no one was labeled as being a “queer,” nor did I not know of any of my fellow students having parents affected by divorce.
How times have changed.
By the time my eldest son went to high school in the ’70s, half of the youth in his class came from families where divorce had dislocated the family structure. It took just one generation to achieve that infamy in Anglo-Saxon society.
Another generation later, the principal of one of Australia’s most prestigious schools was forced to permit a student to attend the annual prom with his male “date.”
We are witness today to a great confusion which has set in with respect to the meaning of marriage and family and the definitions of traditional gender roles in society at large.
The result is that few truly know what it means to be a realman or to be a real woman as God designed and intended us to be. The fallout has drastically affected the ability of men in society to To lead effectively in any institution, be it marriage, family, a corporate situation, a military role or any responsible function in society at large.
Indeed, the reality is that we are today living out the legacy of this mass confusion of God-given roles in fulfillment of the prophecy contained in Isaiah 3:2-3.
Note that God prophesies that it will be the traditional male roles that will disappear in our day.
But we, in the Church, are called into God’s Family to recapture true values—to be educated in all things restored to the Church through a latter day, 20th century Elijah (Matthew 17:10-11), revived through a latter day prophet and apostle in this 21st century.
So it is that we shall look closely throughout the remainder of this article at the God-given role of the male—how to recaptureit, reinforce it and perpetuate it, generation to generation.
· Cause and Effect
How did the denigration of masculinity start?
We live today in a greatly feminized society.
It really started in Anglo-Saxon society with what Gertrude Himmelfarb calls in her masterful treatise “The De-moralization of Society” the “new” men and “women” of the 1880s and 1890s.
As in the Garden of Eden with the first attempt at “liberalizing” woman, the move to change God-given gender roles started with a certain kind of woman which Himmelfarb describes as wanting “more by way of liberation than bicycling, smoking, or reading risqué books—who sought nothing less than sexual liberation.”
Since those early women’s lib proponents of the latter 19th and early 20th century, the feminist lobby has steadily pushed and prodded its way into the traditional male realms of yesteryear, invading and in some cases even coming to dominate them.
This is the age of women—whom God made, deliberately, the physically weaker sex—competing with men, and to their shame, at times beating them even in traditional male physical activities.
The recruitment of women into our armed forces in combat roles is, perhaps, not only the worst case scenario in this respect, but also the very worst of examples to our young men and women in terms of gender role destruction.
Common sense should tell us that the normal physical structure of the male body as God designed it casts him naturally in the role of physical protector of the woman, who is naturally created without the muscle mass that is distributed over a male frame. So what does the perversity of feminism do to counter this natural phenomenon?
It encourages women to go off to the gym in an effort to develop manly abs and biceps.
In a better age, women’s sport was quite different to that of the man.
Today the women want to play to men’s rules. Not only that, they want to play likethe men!
In the most extreme cases, such women even change their natural affection for a perversion of their sexual role (Romans 1:22-26).
In the corporate world, women have “muscled” their way into the boardroom and in many cases have taken over the traditional male role of ceo.
A book I have on my shelf espousing effective corporate management techniques, written by a male theorist, even substitutes “she” and “her” for the traditional male form of addressing a theoretical corporate leader.
All of these trends have led to the increasing isolation of real, strong, masculine leadership in our society as a blanket of feminization has descended over it.
Why has this happened?
Armstrong told us why. He said repeatedly that when the male fails to lead, the woman will seek to take over. As already intimated, it’s as old as the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
It’s high time that men recaptured their true, God-designed role—and taught their sons their true role!
· Home Presence and Physical Activity
By the very nature of things in our society, it is the woman who spends most of the day with an infant son.
In a normal situation today, Dad is off most of the time the sun is out, working at his job to support the family. He has but a brief window of time each weekday evening to spend with the children before their bedtime.
There are two vital activities in which Dad ought to be involved with the family in this brief slice of time—being at the head of the table to command the evening meal time conversation, and taking the opportunity after the meal, before bedtime, to fulfill his role as teacher of the children.
Here is Dad’s opportunity to become the children’s hero, as he tells of lessons learned through his own boyhood exploits, reads to them of the achievements of bygone heroes—not the least those heroes of the Bible—and comports himself as leader of the family. It is also a time to demonstrate the tenderness and warmth of his relationship as leader and protector of the mother, his wife, by the manner in which he relates to her in front of the children.
Sons need to see and have a right pride in the strength and accomplishments of their dad. He ought to become their hero. It is the manly example of a manly father that is the greatest attribute he possesses in teaching his son to grow up to be a man in the truest sense of the word.
Here, sport can be a great opportunity to not only exhibit Dad’s own manly strengths but to teach them to his son.
Be it a backyard game of “footy,” or cricket as it was in my days Down Under, or manning the basketball hoop, or hitting a baseball in the park with dad in America, or perhaps kicking that round ball about in father-and-son soccer matches in other lands—taking the time to teach a sporting approach to the game as well as teaching basic skills are moments a son will never forget. Those opportunities build the male bonds of father-son companionship that can last a lifetime.
One of the great challenges to today’s fathers is to powerfully resist the overwhelming tendency of society at large to become fixated on a video or computer screen for great portions of the day.
Developing a love of the outdoors, of outdoor activities in the fresh air and sunshine, is not only healthy, but, if exposed to such situations often from infancy, the joy that a son may gain from such exposure will serve well to counter the barrage of confusion and self-centeredness with which social media will seek to attack him from the cradle and beyond.
The worst example that a father can demonstrate to a son is to live as a couch potato, fixated by the diversion from reality offered by images conveyed by tvand the plethora of electronic devices available today.
Image says a lot to a child, especially a youth in their teens.
To have a dad that is a waddling blob of inertia will probably engender a son in the same image. To have a dad who is fit, athletic and muscle-toned will, no doubt, produce a son in the same image—IFDad spends the time to help his son develop such a manly frame!
There are three main aspects of a developing child’s life upon which Dad will have powerful impact.
There’s the physical, which we have touched on here, and there are two other vital areas in which a father should take the lead in training up a son in the way he should go—the intellectual,and even more importantly, the spiritual!
· Two Vital Areas
In respect of the intellectualdevelopment of young men, we have to realize the power of the aggressive war that is taking place in our school systems for possession of the minds of our children and youth.
As one observer of one of America’s top colleges put it, the curriculum included “the whole rancid agenda of political correctness with its intolerance, florid public obsession of sex, and pagan worship at the altar of environmentalism” (The New Criterion,June 2013).
Add to this degrading of our education curricula two other phenomena—the move to education by electronic media and the pressure to become absorbed in efforts at “self-fulfillment”—and you have a recipe for reducing the intellectual capacity of each subsequent generation caught up in this trend.
Stephen Bertman in his book, Cultural Amnesia,observes of this trend, “the exhilaration of technological speed and its efficacy lead people to value speed more than ever before, diminishing in their eyes the worth of activities that take time, including the time-consuming activity of learning.”
The knowledge of what once demonstrated just what it was that set the real men apart from the boys is thus greatly diminished, for as Bertman muses, “Because computers are mostly adept at serving up the new, they will serve up the present at the expense of the past. … Computers can give us information …. What they cannot give us is a reason to value that past. … What they cannot give us is judgment or goodness.”
One of the most manly examples in God’s Word is that of King David. Constantly, in psalm after psalm, this mighty, manly warrior-king of Israel asked God to give him judgment and goodness. Those aspects of character are really what marks out the real man and separates him from the mass of humanity as a true leader.
In his book The Missing Dimension in Sex, Armstrong states, “Humans are endowed with minds. Humans were placed on Earth for the express purpseof developing godlike character—learning to make right decisions,with prayerful guidance from God and His Word, and to exercise the self-direction to rightly act on those decisions.”
Before the denigration of real manhood in our society, there was a category of man called “gentlemen.”
Gertrude Himmelfarb states that this was traditionally “a distinction of character rather than of class.” Thus, be he laborer, tradesman, businessman or lord, it was possible by his general behavior that any man could be classed as a true “gentleman.”
Within that greatly derided era which today’s liberal socialists and revisionists are so prone to mock—the Victorian era—as the French philosopher Hyppolite Taine observed—a real “gentleman” was “a truly noble man, a man worthy to command, a disinterested man of integrity, capable of exposing, even sacrificing himself for those he leads.”
Thus it is that we have to turn to Jesus Christ, who gave His life for all humankind, that they may gain inheritance with Him, as the very epitome in His human existence of true, godly manhood.
With the teachings of mankind’s Savior being expunged from our education curricula, we have lost the truest example of manhood that we can ever teach our sons. Such a phenomena in today’s society means that we are even more strongly bound to teach and exemplify that example in our homes.
This leads us to the third vital element in training up a son to be a real man—his spiritual
· The Missing Dimension
As Mr. Armstrong taught throughout his long ministry, there is a missing dimension in man. He often said that man is only “half there.”
In his book The Missing Dimension in Sex, Armstrong states that God’s “purpose is the reproduction of His own kind—holy, righteous and perfect character in the divine Familyof the ever-living God! Humans, physically begotten and born through sex, may be spiritually begotten and divinely born of God—entering the eternally living God Family!”
This is what Mr. Armstrong called the “missing dimension in knowledge.”
This is, thus, the great missing dimension in educating our sons in today’s society about how to find their truerole today, that they may gain their ultimate role in the wonderful World Tomorrow—the coming millennial rule of this planet by Jesus Christ and the saints resurrected to glory to rule with Him.
As we have observed, Jesus Christ was the very epitome of the God-given masculine role during His life in the flesh. It behooves every father and mother to teach that great reality to their sons!
This world sadly lacks such examples of true Christ-like manliness. It is a world literally crying out for manly leadership!
How often, as we observe the dominance of women in society do we ask, “Where are the men in Israel?”
It is a fact that even in God’s Church, we too often see women dominating their men in marriage and family situations. Down through the ages the ways of society have had an insidious way of working their way into God’s Church. Witness the decade of liberalism which impacted the Church in the 1970s, something from which it never did fully recover—witness, in turn, the speed of the great falling away following Mr. Armstrong’s death (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
God commanded the parents to teach His law and statutes to their children and to make them a talking point in the home, especially at morning and evening (Deuteronomy 6:7). The morning breakfast conversation sets the tone for the day. The evening conversation at the dinner table and at bedtime can be a reflection on the day’s events. These are great opportunities to embed true, Christ-like, manly thoughts in a young son’s mind, taking full advantage of these moments to paint a vision in your son’s mind as to his eternal future.
These are the moments that will build true father-son bonds that will encourage your son to seek counsel from you when he meets the challenges of youth and young manhood in particular, the time when he has “put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11).
This planet needs as many godly men as God’s Church can produce.
The Church needs them.
It is incumbent on every parent of every lad in the Church to work hard to inculcate the true essence of godly manhood in their male offspring, thus enhancing the prospect of his manifesting that missing dimension in his life when God leads him by His goodness to repentance and real conversion to His way of life on the road to fulfilling his incredible human potential!
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a) Area of Validity The following terms and conditions shall apply in the version valid at the time of signing the contract for all legal relationships between Mr. Christian Pälchen, Herminenstraße 6, 31675 Bückeburg (hereafter called: Fit for Family) and his customers. Conflicting General Terms and Conditions of the customers are hereby expressly rejected.
b) Contract Agreement Contract language is German. As far as English-language texts are used, they are only used to simplify communication. The German text version shall always override questions regarding interpretation or linguistic variations.
c) Registration To use the full content of this website, it is initially required to set up a customer account. Therefore, the necessary data is asked for, so Fit for Family can perform the services. The data input are confirmed by clicking the “Registration” button and setting the checkmark to acknowledge the General Terms and Conditions. The customer will then receive a confirmation email with the required Log-In data. Only when the customer initially logs in with these data at Fit for Family is the registration complete. The password which allows the customer access to the personal area is to be treated with strict confidentiality, and is not to be forwarded to third parties under any circumstances. The customer shall take the suitable and appropriate precautions and measures to prevent that third parties have knowledge of their password. A customer account cannot be transferred to other user/customers or other third parties. d) Booking of tests The description of the product line on Fit for Family’s website is subject to change and not binding. The order process on this website consists of a total of three (3) steps. In the first step, the client selects the desired merchandise. In the second step, the client enters their data including billing address and, if necessary, different delivery address, if not already specified in their customer account or -if payment with Paypal is chosen- in their PayPal account. If the customer chooses the payment option "PayPal", he is forwarded to the PayPal page. After entering his data on PayPal´s Website he is again forwarded to the Internet page of Fit for Family. In the third step, the client has the opportunity to double-check all data (i.e. name, address, ordered merchandise) and, if necessary, to correct data entry errors before they confirm their order by clicking the button “Purchase Now” (German: “zahlungspflichtig bestellen”/”legally binding purchase order”). This order signifies the customer’s legally binding contract offer. Fit for Family will confirm the receipt of the order immediately. The confirmation receipt does represent a legally binding acceptance of the order. This acceptance closes the contract between Fit for Family and its client. The contract’s text body shall be savedby Fit for Family, and shall be sent to the customer in writing (i.e. email or regular mail) in addition to the present General Terms and Conditions, and Customer Information. The contract’s text body cannot, however, be accessed by the customer via the seller’s Internet website after having submitting their order. The customer may print the applicable website’s page showing the contract’s text body through the browser’s Print function.
§ 2 Delivery and Services
a) Partial Shipments Fit for Family is entitled to make partial shipments when this is deemed acceptable to the customer. In the event of partial shipments, the customer shall, however, not incur any additional shipping cost.
b) Delays in delivery and services Delays in delivery and services based on acts of God/force majeure and extraordinary and non-foreseeable events, which even with extreme precaution by Fit for Family cannot be prevented (including especially: strikes, regulatory action or court orders, and instances of incorrect or improper delivery of goods to the seller despite the appropriate covering transaction to that effect), are not to be imputed to Fit for Family. They entitle Fit for Family to postpone delivery by the time period of the hindering circumstance.
c) Cancellation of Contract At non-availability, based on the above-mentioned reasons, Fit for Family may cancel the contract. Fit for Family commits to inform the customer without delay about the non-availability and shall reimburse any services already rendered in return.
d) Delivery Exclusion Post Office boxes will not be delivered.
e) Delay of Acceptance Should the customer be in delay of acceptance of the goods ordered, Fit for Family shall be entitled, after an appropriate grace period, to cancel the contract and file for damages due to delay or non-compliance. During the delay of acceptance, the customer carries the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration.
d) Time of Performance As far as it is not otherwise agreed upon, Fit for Family shall perform the service within seven (7) days. The commencement of the delivery period for prepayments is the day after submitting the payment order to the transmitting credit institution, or for cash on delivery or payment by invoice the day after close of contract. The period ends on the subsequent seventh day. Should the last day of this period be a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday observed by the respective country of the delivery address, the period ends on the following business day.
§ 3 Seminars and Events
a) General Fit For Family offers seminars as well as events for singles and couples. Fit For Family is entitled to have a third party fulfill the contract in whole or in parts. Minor reasonable changes such as topics, order of topics and speakers are subject to change. b) Booking The booking process of the events and seminars offered shall takes place through offer and acceptance whereby the customer’s booking (e.g. by email, contact form through this website) facilitates the offer. As far as the booking does not take place by email but through the website, the order process consists of three (3) steps. In Step 1, the customer chooses desired Fit For Family’s offer package. In Step 2, the customer shall enter their data and has the possibility to double-check all data entered (e.g. name, address, payment method, desired seminar or event) and, if necessary, correct entry mistakes before the customer is transferred to PayPal by clicking the button “Send your booking”. After input of the required PayPal payment details to process payment, the order process finalized by clicking the button „Pay Now“. This entails a binding contract offer by the customer. Fit For Family shall confirm receipt of the customer’s booking immediately, as far as the order was received through the website. This receipt of booking does not constitute a legally binding acceptance of the booking.
Fit For Family is entitled to legally accept the customer’s contract offer made by the booking (by email or contact form) within one week after receipt of the booking in text form (e.g. by email, facsimile). The contract between Fit For Family and the customer comes into legal existence with the acceptance. As far as the booking takes place through the contact form, the text body is saved and stored by Fit For Family and is send to the customer after they send their order, together with the present General Terms and Conditions and the customer information in text form (e.g. email, facsimile or by regular mail). The contract text cannot be retrieved by the customer after sending their booking through Fit For Family’s internet site. As far as the close of contract did not take place through the website, the contract text will not be saved and stored separately.
c) Terms of Payment Seminar fees entitle to the participation of the booked seminar and are to be paid prior to the beginning of the seminar at the latest. The course admission as well as detailed seminar materials are included in the admission fee. The customer is responsible themselves for accommodations and meals, such are not included in the admission fee, as far as nothing to the contrary has been expressly agreed upon. If only parts of the seminar are attended, for which Fit For Family is not responsible for, missed hours/days cannot be repeated and are not to be deducted to reduce the admission fee. This also includes attendance and admission at booked events.
d) Cancellation through the customer Cancellation of the services booked by the customer is possible in writing (by email or regular mail). The right to cancel is not touched through this cancellation regulation; the right to cancel does not exist, however, in regards to contracts with additional services in connection with leisure activities, if the contract provides for performance on a specific date or during a specific period. The cancellation fees correspond with the following regulations, whereas the cancellation is free of charge, if it is received thirty (30) days prior to the agreed seminar or event begin, at the latest. The timely cancellation takes place when Fit For Family receives the cancellation notice. Upon later cancellation, the cancellation fees shall be as follows: 50 per cent of the agreed invoice amount, starting from the 29th to the 14th day of contract start 100 per cent of the agreed invoice amount for cancellation up to the point of less than 14 days before agreed seminar or event start
The customer has to provide proof that Fit For Family did not occur any cost or minor cost. Fit For Family will provide re-booking based upon availability instead of a cancellation whereby seminars or events booked through re-booking are no longer subject to cancellation by the customer.
e) Postponement of dates and cancellations by Fit For Family Fit For Family reserves the right to change dates, cancel seminars or events and/or locations up to seven (7) days prior to seminar or event start. All payments received for cancelled seminars or events will be reimbursed. Additional damages by the customer toward Fit For Family are not subject to legal recourse. The customer is required to make arrangements for such cancellation events regarding travel or hotel reservations (e. g. through purchase of a travel cancellation insurance.)
§ 4 Payment
a) Payment Terms Payment is made via PayPal.
b) Pricing All prices are final prices. Due to the small business status, we do not charge VAT. In addition are separated listed cost for Shipping & Handling, if pick up by the customer at Fit for Family’s office in Bückeburg is not arranged. c) Right of Retention The enforcement of a right of retention is only available to the customer for such counterclaims which are due and based on the same legal relationship as the customer’s obligation.
§ 5 Cancellation for Customers with Distance Contracts
The consumer has the right to cancel distance contracts, which can be taken from the separate Cancellation Policy with sample cancellation form.
§ 6 Warranty
a) Warranty claim There are legal warranty claims. A warranty claim may only be made concerning the condition of the merchandise; reasonable deviations in regards to aesthetic characteristics of the merchandise shall not come within the warranty claim. Should there be additional guarantees in addition to the warranty claims, you shall find their exact conditions with each product. Potential guarantees do not touch the warranty claims. Fit for Family does specifically not assume a guarantee for advice and courses given in books and instructions. Success is only owed to the transfer of products.
b) Transfer of risk Risk of accidental destruction or deterioration of merchandise ordered shall only be transferred upon the customer’s receipt of goods.
c) Notification Should the customer realize that they receive goods in damaged packaging or notice damage after receipt of the goods, Fit for Family asks that the customer informs the company. There shall neither be an obligation to such notification nor shall the customer’s warranty rights be affected by an omitted notification.
d) Subsequent performance Should the merchandise be defective, the customer may choose to require subsequent performance in form of subsequent repair or subsequent delivery. In the event that, even after two attempts, the defect could not be corrected, the customer may choose to cancel the purchase or reduce the price.
e) Rights regarding non-essential defects Should a non-essential defect exist, the customer shall be entitled only to the right of an appropriate reduction of the purchase price excluding the right to cancel.
f) Damages for defects Liability is not assumed for damage which may be based on the incorrect handling or use of the merchandise. Fit for Family shall only provide damages for the goods’ defects in the event of intent or gross negligence. This exclusion shall not be applied to liability for damage to loss of life, bodily injury or damage to the health of a person. Regulations of the German Product Liability Law shall also be untouched by the exclusion from liability.
g) Warranty towards business owners The following regulations apply towards business owners, apart from the statutory warranty regulations: in case of defect, Fit for Family shall provide subsequent performance, based on their own choice in form of defect removal or renewed delivery. The risk of accidental loss or deterioration of the goods already transfers to the person responsible for the transport. Warranty claims shall be subject to statutory limitation within one year after the pre-determined risk transfer. Exempt from this is the Right of Recourse according to § 478 BGB [German: BGB – Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch/German Civil Code]
h) Business owners’ duty to objection Business owners are obligated to immediately inform of obvious defects in writing: otherwise the validity of warranty claims shall be excluded. Timely mailing of the objection within the grace period shall suffice. The business owner shall produce proof in its entirety that all conditions for a claim have been met, especially the defect itself, the exact time of discovery of the defect and the timeliness of the objection regarding the defect.
§ 7 Liability
a) Liability exemptiondisclaimer Fit for Family, and its legal representatives and vicarious agents, shall only be liable for intent or gross negligence. As far as considerable contract duties (consequently such duties whose adherence are of necessary meaning for the attainment of contract purposes) are concerned, even slight negligence is covered. Liability is limited in this case to foreseeable, contract typical, immediate average damages. Towards business owners, Fit for Family shall only be liable in the case of a grossly negligent violation against insignificant contract duties only in the amount of the foreseeable, contract typical, immediate average damage.
b) Retention of Liability The aforementioned liability exemption disclaimer shall not concern liability for damage to loss of life, bodily injury or damage to the health of a person. Regulations of the German Product Liability Law shall also be untouched by the exclusion from liability.
§ 8 Final clause
a) Place of Jurisdiction It is agreed that the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all litigation proceedings based on this contract shall be the registered office of Fit for Family in Bückeburg, insofar as the customer is a merchant, legal entity under public law or special fund under public law, or insofar as the customer does not have a place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany.
b) Governing Law Unless mandatory legal provisions based on the customer’s right of domicile do not prevent it, it shall be agreed upon that German law shall valid excluding the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.
c) Severability Clause Should individual terms of this contract become invalid or ineffective, it shall not infringe on the validity of the remaining General Terms and Conditions.
Data Protection
Data Protection Policy
§ 1 Personal Data
a) Personal Data
Personal data are data which disclose or can disclose the customer’s identity. The Christian Partnership Test adheres to the policy of data avoidance. As far as possible, collection of personal data is avoided.
b) Dealings
Personal data exclusively serve to initiate contracts, draft content, execute or process a contractual relationship. As a matter of principle, data are not forwarded to third parties. Data are only forwarded to the logistics company commissioned for the purpose of fulfilling the delivery order, as far as this is necessary for the delivery of the merchandise ordered. To process payments, the required payment data are forwarded to the financial institution commissioned to process payment and, if necessary, to the commissioned and selected payment service provider. Use of personally-related data only takes place to the extent that is necessary, or as far The Christian Partnership Test is legally or by court order required, or if necessary, to prohibit abuse against the General Terms and Conditions in a legitimate manner.
c) Objection
The customer can object to the storage of their personal data at any time. Data, which must be kept ready for the purpose of processing the contract, is exempt from this.
d) Right to Information
Upon request, The Christian Partnership Test shall inform the customer about the storage of their data.
e) Right to Correction, Deletion, and Blocking of Data
The customer has the right to correct, delete or block inaccurate personal data upon request at any time. The use of this right is free-of-charge and can simply be requested by filling out the contact form. As a matter of principle, this service is free-of-charge.
§ 2 User and Registration Data
To set up the Internet page, user and registration data are collected, processed, and used, as necessary. Customer data and IP address are registered with a time and date stamp in the log file, and used and saved for the purpose of this webpage’s statistical evaluation. User and registration data will not be merged with personal data.
§ 3 Data Security
a) Data Security
All data at www.c-partnershiptest.org are saved through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification, and distribution. The Christian Partnership Test does not, however, assume liability for the destruction and damage of data.
b) Sessions and Cookies
To operate the Internet site, The Christian Partnership Test may use cookies or server-based sessions to store data. Cookies are, for instance, used here for personalized greetings by using the member’s name. Cookies are files, which are stored by a website on the customer’s hard drive to automatically recognize this particular computer at the next visit to the website, and adjust the website based on the customer’s use. Cookies can also be rejected through the browser’s settings by deactivating the storage of cookies or by setting the browser in such a way that it informs about the changes upon transmission. The Christian Partnership Test ensures that data related to a person is not transferred from sessions or through cookies.
§ 4 Newsletter
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use the data you provided or separately transmitted data to regularly send you our newsletter. To unsubscribe from the newsletter is possible at any time and can either be made by sending a message through the contact options stated or by clicking the link in the newsletter for this purpose.
§ 5 Services by Third-Party Providers
Social Media Links
The Christian Partnership Test uses its own social media sites, made available on this website by clicking on the links of the third-party-providers to be reached. Through the use of these links, you will reach the respective Internet pages of the third-party-provider (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+). As soon as you will have opened up the websites of the third-party-providers, you will have entered the respective third-party-provider’s area of responsibility, so that their data protection policy or their explanations of data usage are effective as well. The Christian Partnership Test does not have any influence over it; we recommend, however, that you log yourself out from the respective third-party-provider’s website prior to using the respective link in order to avoid an unnecessary forwarding of data, so that in certain instances user profiles will not be created by the third-party-provider through the use of the link. The Christian Partnership Test has deliberately only used links and avoided additional plug-ins by third-party-providers to protect your data.
§ 6 Contact information
The customer may contact The Christian Partnership Test at info@fitforfamily.org regarding data protection or by using the contact form.
Privacy Policy
Data Protection Policy
§ 1 Personal Data
a) Personal Data
Personal data are data which disclose or can disclose the customer’s identity. The Christian Partnership Test adheres to the policy of data avoidance. As far as possible, collection of personal data is avoided.
b) Dealings
Personal data exclusively serve to initiate contracts, draft content, execute or process a contractual relationship. As a matter of principle, data are not forwarded to third parties. Data are only forwarded to the logistics company commissioned for the purpose of fulfilling the delivery order, as far as this is necessary for the delivery of the merchandise ordered. To process payments, the required payment data are forwarded to the financial institution commissioned to process payment and, if necessary, to the commissioned and selected payment service provider. Use of personally-related data only takes place to the extent that is necessary, or as far The Christian Partnership Test is legally or by court order required, or if necessary, to prohibit abuse against the General Terms and Conditions in a legitimate manner.
c) Objection
The customer can object to the storage of their personal data at any time. Data, which must be kept ready for the purpose of processing the contract, is exempt from this.
d) Right to Information
Upon request, The Christian Partnership Test shall inform the customer about the storage of their data.
e) Right to Correction, Deletion, and Blocking of Data
The customer has the right to correct, delete or block inaccurate personal data upon request at any time. The use of this right is free-of-charge and can simply be requested by filling out the contact form. As a matter of principle, this service is free-of-charge.
§ 2 User and Registration Data
To set up the Internet page, user and registration data are collected, processed, and used, as necessary. Customer data and IP address are registered with a time and date stamp in the log file, and used and saved for the purpose of this webpage’s statistical evaluation. User and registration data will not be merged with personal data.
§ 3 Data Security
a) Data Security
All data at www.c-partnershiptest.org are saved through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification, and distribution. The Christian Partnership Test does not, however, assume liability for the destruction and damage of data.
b) Sessions and Cookies
To operate the Internet site, The Christian Partnership Test may use cookies or server-based sessions to store data. Cookies are, for instance, used here for personalized greetings by using the member’s name. Cookies are files, which are stored by a website on the customer’s hard drive to automatically recognize this particular computer at the next visit to the website, and adjust the website based on the customer’s use. Cookies can also be rejected through the browser’s settings by deactivating the storage of cookies or by setting the browser in such a way that it informs about the changes upon transmission. The Christian Partnership Test ensures that data related to a person is not transferred from sessions or through cookies.
§ 4 Newsletter
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use the data you provided or separately transmitted data to regularly send you our newsletter. To unsubscribe from the newsletter is possible at any time and can either be made by sending a message through the contact options stated or by clicking the link in the newsletter for this purpose.
§ 5 Services by Third-Party Providers
Social Media Links
The Christian Partnership Test uses its own social media sites, made available on this website by clicking on the links of the third-party-providers to be reached. Through the use of these links, you will reach the respective Internet pages of the third-party-provider (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+). As soon as you will have opened up the websites of the third-party-providers, you will have entered the respective third-party-provider’s area of responsibility, so that their data protection policy or their explanations of data usage are effective as well. The Christian Partnership Test does not have any influence over it; we recommend, however, that you log yourself out from the respective third-party-provider’s website prior to using the respective link in order to avoid an unnecessary forwarding of data, so that in certain instances user profiles will not be created by the third-party-provider through the use of the link. The Christian Partnership Test has deliberately only used links and avoided additional plug-ins by third-party-providers to protect your data.
§ 6 Contact information
The customer may contact The Christian Partnership Test at info@fitforfamily.org regarding data protection or by using the contact form.
~~Legal Notice
ipso facto Service Provider Identification
within the meaning of §§ 5 TMG, 55 RStV
(TMG: Telemediengesetz/German Teleservices Act,
RStV: Rundfunkstaatsvertrag/Interstate Broadcasting Agreement)
Mr. Christian Pälchen
Herminenstraße 6
31675 Bückeburg
E-Mail: info@fitforfamily.org
Website: www.c-partnershiptest.org
Telephone: +49 (0) 57229201704
Responsible for the content within the meaning of Interstate Broadcast Agreement
[German: RStV – Rundfunkstaatsvertrag]
Mr. Christian Pälchen
Value-Added Tax Identification Number as per § 27 a Value Added Tax Act
Small Entrepreneurs Clause
According to § 19 UStG (German Value Added Tax Act) Christian-Non-Profit-Consulting is a small entrepreneur and as such not entitled to raise VAT.
Online Settlement of Disputes (B2C)
The European Commission has created an Internet platform for Online Settlement of Disputes regarding contractual responsibilities originating from online contracts (OS Platform). The customer can reach the OS Platform by clicking the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Liability for Links
External links on c-partnershiptest’s website connect to content of third-party providers. The respective provider is solely responsible for these contents. Upon notification of legal violations, these links will be removed immediately.
Copyright Notice
The contents and works created and published on this website by c-partnershiptest are protected by the German copyright. Copying, modification, distribution and every kind of application outside of the limits of copyright law require the written approval of the respective author or creator. If content on this website is not created by c-partnershiptest itself, third-party copyright is observed. Third-party content is marked specifically as such. Should you become aware of a copyright violation, please submit a notification accordingly. Upon notification of copyright violations, c-partnershiptest will immediately remove all such content.
Right of Cancellation
Notice to the Right of Cancellation for consumers with long-distance contracts
Right of Cancellation
You may cancel your contract in writing (i.e. letter, facsimile or email) within 14 days without stating reasons.
The cancellation period lasts fourteen (14) days from the day the contract is closed.
To exercise your Right of Cancellation, you must inform us (The Christian Partnership Test, Herminenstrasse 6, 31675 Bückeburg, Telephone: +4957229201704, Email:info@fitforfamily.org) by sending an unequivocal explanation (i.e. a letter sent by regular mail, facsimile, or email) about your decision to cancel this contract. You may use the attached Sample Form of Cancellation, which, however, is not mandatory.
To guarantee the Cancellation Period, it suffices that you send the Notice to the Right of Cancellation before the end of the cancellation period.
Consequences of the Notice to the Right of Cancellation
When you cancel this contract, we will have to return to you all payments which we have received from you, including the delivery cost – as far as these were covered by the customer – (with exception of any additional cost resulting from a different type of delivery method which you may have chosen other than the least expensive standard delivery method offered by us), immediately and within fourteen (14) days at the latest, from the day on which we received the Notice of your Cancellation. For this repayment, we will use the same form of payment which you used for the original transaction, unless other arrangements were specifically made with you, under no circumstance will we charge you with fees due to this repayment.
- End of the Notification to the Right of Cancellation -
Special Notifications about the premature expiration of the Right of Cancellation
Your right to cancel expires prematurely for a contract for the delivery of digital content which does not resemble a physical body (e.g. downloads), if the business owner has already started with the execution of the contract, after you have specifically agreed to it that the business owner starts with the execution of the contract before the cancellation period ends, and you have confirmed your knowledge of it, that you by your acceptance you lose your Right of Cancellation with the start of the execution of your contract.
Sample Form “Notice to Cancel”
(In case you would like to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and return it to us.)
- To: The Christian Partnership Test, Herminenstraße 6, 31675 Bückeburg, Email: info@thechristianpartnershiptest.org:
- Hereby I/we cancel the contract closed by me/us (*) regarding the sale of the following merchandise (*)/the performance of the following services (*)
- Ordered on (*)/received on (*)
- Name of Customer(s)
- Address of Customer(s)
- Signature of Customer(s) (only for notice in paperform) – Date
_________________ (*) Please delete where inapplicable.