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Welcome to the new fitforfamily mp3 blog: Corona: Some tipps to survive a Corona exit spere better

Welcome to the new fitforfamily mp3 blog

Today you will get some tips on how you as a family can survive a Corona exit spere better.

There is an opportunity in every crisis.

At the beginning, a few everyday tips about Hygene:

- Disinfect the door handles regularly with alcohol - Wash your hands regularly, normal soap is enough.

- Frequently ventilates the rooms, ventilating for 5 minutes (all windows open) is sufficient.

- Use your dishes only once

Other tips to stay physically fit:

Drink a lot and do gymnastic exercises, if possible move around the house have regular meals, if a family member is ill, keep your distance.

So now a few tips on everyday structure:

Pray together at the beginning and end of the day, for each other and for others.

Have fixed stand-up times, homeschooling times, chores etc. A fixed structure helps.

However, there are of course exceptions.

Call your loved ones, skyped (also as home groups) or emailed, create a podcast for your beloved.

Eat good food that tastes good for everyone, sweets also helps. just leave all 5 straight, change time as positive time, as couples enjoy each other in every form ... smile

A hug, a smile speaks more than 1000 words!

Play community games together, use motion games with the Wii, read to one another, watch good films, documentaries.

A great Christian resource is the for the daily bible reading combined with a video clip.

At this page you will find great game ideas:

I wish all of you Shalom!

Be blessed, your Christian Pälchen

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