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“The fact is that men and women communicate differently. Although men and women speak the same language, we have differences in priorities, internal processing and behaviour patterns so it is easy to misunderstand, misinterpret or simply not get where the other is coming from. To increase your ability to persuade, motivate, influence and get [..]

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As a family, you often have so many things to organize before embarking on a journey. To help you with this, I would like to suggest three different checklists for your next holiday. All the best! Your Christian Pälchen Holiday Checklist 1 Family holiday checklist Kids' Road Trip Essentials Checklist [..]

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Let us give thanks to our God in Heaven who creates the family environment as a place where we can be real and encourage one another and our children. Family is one of the greatest ideas from God! Encouragement of your children is a duty for all parents and should be a priority. The Bible talks about this important issue a lot: 1 Thessalonians 5:1 [..]

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Positive communication: When was the last time you talked positively about your partner to others? We are often more focused on the negative aspects of people; we can quickly forget all the positive characteristics of a person. This thinking and behavior needs to change, especially when it comes to close relationships and marriage. Let us take a l [..]

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In the January edition of Pediatrics, Thurber and Walton offer these 14 tips on preventing kids' homesickness: Talk with kids about the upcoming separation. Tell kids that it's normal to feel homesick. Talk with kids about coping with homesickness. Involve kids in the decision to spend time away from home. Send kids on a "p [..]