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The other day I saw a mother in church playing the piano, her son sitting next to her focusing on every key that she struck. I could see pride in his eyes. “What a great mom I have.” As a parent, it is a real blessing to be seen as a model. Every person looks for a role model, desiring recognition, proximity and joy. “Be imi [..]

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If this is a question that you have been asking, then I’d like to share some Scriptures with you that could give you some direction and provide an answer to your query. Psalm 23:1-3 “ The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me [..]

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These days, it is quite normal for parents to get divorced; children suffer and do not get to experience the sweet taste of a good Christian Family life. To know how something tastes, we have to experience it, otherwise, we analyse things only from our context and cannot really get the true taste of something. For example, those who only ea [..]

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The Schreibmotorik KompetenzSpinne© (i.e. Schreibmotorik Writing Skills Spider Web) is a new, scientifically substantiated diagnostic and observation instrument for determining basic graphomotor skills in children between the ages of four and seven. It takes into consideration the main graphomotor, didactic and ergonomic areas of handwriting a [..]

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Go into your garden, or choose a special place with your son/daughter and bury a box. Inside the box, place letters in it with your personal views on how you think the world will be in 20 years’ time and the goals that you have for your life. When you dig up the box in 20 years’ time, it will be amazing to read what you wrote all those [..]