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Diapering is one, among many, challenges that parents face. On one side of this challenge, you are faced with the question: What is the best for our child? Should our daughter/son wear washable, organic diapers or not? What are the benefits of reusable diapers compared to disposable diapers? What are the costs? Are disposable diapers really more [..]

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Welcome to the Wedding Music Project, our Wedding Music and Songs are professionally produced to help you pick the best music to use for your wedding. We have songs for walking down the aisle, preludes for before the ceremony, and songs for every moment of the ceremony. We hope you find what you are looking for and have a wonderful wedding! [..]

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Pigly is a free online resource that helps people plan and organize their finances with helpful interactive tools and easy-to-follow guides. Our site features a diverse range of calculators for estimating savings, mortgage, credit cards, budgeting, and business expenses.  Around 40% of Americans struggle to cover emergency costs. We created [..]

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Are you looking for new ways to excite your children about memorising Scripture? I hope you have already downloaded the FREE printables of Scripture memory cards, progress reward chart, and colouring sheets based on the key verses from Holly Shivers’ book, I Can Learn the Bible: 52 Scriptures Every Kid Should Know – made available to y [..]

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This is one of the worst scenarios for parents: to wake up in the morning and find your baby dead. Parents ask themselves: What can we do so that this will not happen to us? Firstly, I would like to take a look at the Bible: We can pray for our children: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him [..]