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You don’t have to be a master in the kitchen to make your own baby food. While convenient, commercial baby foods lose vitamins and nutrients during processing and a lot of the “yumminess” that can make your baby excited to try new foods and combinations. These 21 simple recipes are fast, inexpensive, and, best of all, more nutriti [..]

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Prof. Sonja Lyubomirsky, from the University of California, found out that these 8 points are done on a daily basis by happy people: They devote a great amount of time to their family and friends, nurturing and enjoying those relationships. They are comfortable expressing gratitude for all they have. They are often the first to offer help [..]

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Provide Clarity for your Child Not my child! – Our child! Speaking in one voice! “United Front”: until age ten, you are the boss Ask them what they want, but ultimately, you make the final decision But create space in which they can learn to make their own decisions and show responsibility. Example: Pocket money Afte [..]

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How much time do we waste thinking about things that we cannot change? Too much time. Take the following statement from Reinhold Niebuhr as your daily prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. [..]

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Many children have a problem to focus their concentration. Here's some helpful tips to increase your child's concentration. Read the full article