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Pro-abortionists try to “dehumanize” unborn children by referring to them as merely “lumps of tissue” or “products of conception”; however, biblically, as well as biologically, you and I are unique human beings from the moment of conception. The result of conception (the “product” that is conceived) i [..]

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What is happening to our brains as a result of the use and abuse of digital technology? We are no longer able to use a map to reach a place as we rely on our sat-nav systems. We never leave home without our smartphones. Children and teenagers spend twice as much time using their smartphones as they spend at school. Over the last few years there has [..]

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So where did you meet YOUR partner? New research reveals where Australians fall in love… and it’s NOT online (or at the pub) New study says you could be looking in the wrong place if you're only looking for love online The survey of 1000 Australians found 1 in 3 people exchanged phone numbers and kissed someone new at a li [..]

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It’s over 30 years old and completely timeless. By Joel HillikerOct. 20, 2017 It was printed in the Worldwide Newsof Aug. 2, 1982. Titled “Masculinity Requires Balance,” it is short, direct and potent. Relevant as it was over 32 years ago, it is even more so today. We reproduce it here. “Want to be a real man? [..]

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What are the differences between men and women? By Stephen Flurry • August 2008 What are the differences between men and women? What makes a man a real man? Or a woman a real woman? What are “masculine” and “feminine” characteristics? These questions are very basic and fundamental to each of our lives. Yet many [..]